
Thermal Scanning

Thermal Infrared Thermography is a technique for reading the surface temperature. The most frequently measured physical property on this planet is temperature. In the industrial setting, temperature is a factor in every process, machine or electrical system in operation since the measurement of temperature provides an excellent indication of the condition of an object. No other method is more frequently applied.

Globally, the number one application for infrared thermography is in electrical applications. The reason is obvious:  virtually every industry, process, building or facility in the industrialized world requires electrical energy to operate.

It is a non-intrusive method of inspection whereby shut downs are not required as we are able to measure the system of any equipment operating at its optimum with the fastest and most efficient at detecting potential problems before they arise.

Planning of repair and replacement work for underperforming or defective equipment can be scheduled well in advance to prevent unproductive downtime. Pre-preventive repair is not only economically beneficial but also crucial in sustaining the productivity levels of the company.

Power System Monitoring

We deploy power quality analyzer for monitoring and recording power supply anomalies, allowing their causes to be quickly investigated, and also for assessing power supply problems such as voltage drops, flicker, harmonics, and other electrical issues. This helps maintain and manage power supplies and analyze problems more easily and reliably than ever before

Lightning Protection System

Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge that poses a threat to human life and causes damage to properties. Hence, we seek to mitigate these risks associated with lightning. Due to the proliferation of high-rise buildings, the risks of lightning strikes and surges have increased, thus standards have been updated for the protection of buildings and structures against lightning.

One of the main issues of particular importance are electronic systems used in data processing and storage as well as process control and safety for plants of considerable capital cost, size and complexity (for which plant outages are very undesirable for cost and safety reasons.)

We provide the following services:

  • Lightning risk management and risk assessment reviews
  • Lightning protection system design
  • Lightning earth resistance test
  • Lightning earth continuity test
  • Lightning protection system audit